Tag Archives: Music

Brooke’s Top Ten Albums of 2009!

Get ready…I’m about to rock your world.  But first I have to apologize for being MIA again.  It’s been far too long since I’ve blogged.  I promise in the New Year I’m gonna be way better.  Way more committed to you, my loyal blog readers.  So how exactly am I going to rock your world, you ask?!  Well it’s my Top Ten Albums of 2009 list!  You aren’t as excited as I am?  Well whatever, be prepared to have your mind blown and world rocked by this year’s awesome music anyway! :)

So, let’s start from number 10 and work our way down to my favorite album of the year. I’ll also post one of my favorite tracks off of each album. Hooray!

10. xx by The xx

This very young band’s debut album is all about minimal instrumentation, heavy bass, and lots of sex-themed lyrics.  I love it.  Turn it up LOUD, chill out, and enjoy.


9.  It’s Frightening by The White Rabbits

It’s Frightening deserves every bit to be on EVERYONE’S top 10 this year!  It’s indie rock with mass-market appeal.  It’s dark, and brooding, and percussion based.  If you like music, you’ll like this album.  Plus, they are on TBD (aka I work with them, sorta), holla!

“Percussion Gun”

8.  Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal Collective

This band is crazy, awesome weird, and so it this album.  It’s got great dance, electronic beats, but is also SOULFUL.  Let’s just say, “I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my girls.”

“My Girls”

7. Fantasies by Metric

Love this electro-pop group’s latest album.  EVERY song on the album is good and has a great chorus.  Plus, their sound is very dreamy, and sends me to another world that only yummy music can.  Double plus, most of the songs make me want to dance.

“Help I’m Alive”

6. Two Suns by Bat for Lashes

Oh how I love Natasha!  Yes, we may work with her, but this album is really an excellent one.  Two Suns is characterized by ghostly vocals, pulsing dance beats, and heartfelt lyrics.  It’s pretty magical.


5.  Miike Snow by Miike Snow

Lots of great hooks and great beats on this album!  Every song makes me want to dance my booty off for days and days.  Plus they put on a SWEET live show.  LOVE.


4. Conditions by The Temper Trap

Love the falsetto voice of lead singer, Dougy Mandagi, (and his name is DOUGY, ha!).   It’s so unique that this band really couldn’t go wrong.  Mix in radio friendly, catchy tunes and you’ve got one sweet album.  Oh and they’re Australian.  That’s hot.

“Love Lost”

3.  Manners by Passion Pit

I love electro-pop music, and this album is just that!  It’s danceable, happy, catchy, and who couldn’t love the insanely unique voice of Michael Angelakos?!

“Moth’s Wings”

2.  Everything Is New by Jack Penate

LOVE LOVE LOVE this album.  I categorize it as an amazing dance pop album, (new genre?!).  It has very cool, culturally diverse inspired rhythms that you can’t help but NEED to dance to.  It’s optimistic, it’s beautiful, and I just loveeee it/Jack.

“Be the One”

1. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix by Phoenix

This is a GREAT album and my FAVORITE ALBUM OF THE YEAR!  I won’t be surprised if I see this album top many people’s best of 2009 lists.  It is radio friendly, appeals to anyone and everyone, is deliciously pop, and has catchy lyrics to boot.  It’s sold a crapload too.


So there it is, guys and gals, my Top Ten of 2009!  Also, can I just say how much I love music? I mean, I really, really, really love it and am so very glad it’s a part of my life. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!

My First Post!

Thanks for visiting my blog!  I’m pretty excited about starting this little thing.  To find out more about me and about what I’d like to accomplish with this blog, check out the “About” tab above.  So to start, I’d like you all to listen to the awesome track I’ve posted below.  The artist is Jack Penate and his album, “Everything is New”, is a must buy.  Some of my coworkers and I saw him and Miike Snow (another great artist) live twice the past week.  That’s right TWICE–that’s how much we love them.  The live energy that Jack brings to the room is pretty amazing.  I couldn’t keep myself from dancing up a storm the entire night at BOTH shows.  Lots of fun, as you can imagine.  Listen to “Pull My Heart Away” and love it like I love it.  I’ve been pretty obsessed with Jack the past couple of weeks, so I’m passing the obsession on to you, online world.  Obsess away.  And go buy his album.  It’s worth it.

“Pull My Heart Away” by Jack Penate

And here’s a picture of the handsome fella
